What’s the Best Grip to Train your Biceps According to Science?

The data
The majority of studies have found no effect of forearm position (supinated vs. neutral vs. pronated with or without rotating handles) on biceps activity during pulldown variations [1, 2] or pull-up variations [1, 2, 3]. The only study that directly supports the use of a supinated grip over a pronated grip is Youdas et al. (2010): chin-ups with bodyweight caused higher biceps activity than pull-ups. Chin-ups with a rotating grip were on par with regular, fixed-bar chin-ups.

The dataThe majority of studies have found no effect of forearm position (supinated vs. neutral vs. pronated with or without rotating handles) on biceps activity during pulldown variations [1, 2] or pull-up variations [1, 2, 3]. The only study that directly supports the use of a supinated grip over a pronated grip is Youdas et al. (2010): chin-ups with bodyweight caused higher biceps activity than pull-ups.