Last week, in the Sunday Spiritual “God As Father, God As King“, I explained how to speak to God as though He is a loving Father, and also the noblest royalty you could ever come before.
Maybe after reading that article, you started to pray more. I sure hope so. A consistent prayer practice will change your life.
As a natural consequence of you beginning to pray more, which you are hopefully trying to do every day, you’re inevitably going to find yourself increasingly listening for the voice of God, not only during expected intervals such as your dedicated, active quiet time or prayer time, but also during other random times throughout the day. As you “pray without ceasing” before you make decisions both large and small, or when you’re afraid or stressed, or when you’re tempted, or when you’re unsure what to do next, you might find yourself wondering if…
…you’re talking to God or talking to yourself, or if you’re hearing from God or hearing from yourself.